Celebration of 2023-2024 School Year

Dear Antrim Elementary Community,

As we bring this school year to a close, we have so much to celebrate. This first year for me at Antrim Elementary has been one I will never forget. I am incredibly proud of the staff and students here at AES and the focus and determination they have shown over the course of this year. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the staff who work tirelessly every day to ensure every child is supported, cared for, and is growing or making progress. The children have shown remarkable growth this year, both developmentally and academically.

Witnessing our students grow, learn, and thrive under the guidance of our dedicated teachers and staff has been a source of immense joy and pride. Your commitment to their education and well-being is truly appreciated. It has been an honor getting to know so many of the children at Antrim Elementary.

Thank you for trusting us to provide teaching and learning to your child this year. It has indeed been a privilege. The support we have felt from the community has been amazing. Getting to know the community this year has been an honor. We have initiated many programs to expand student learning during the school day, such as the cooking club, the weavers, Lunch with Lions, and the photojournalism club. These initiatives, made possible with the support of the Lions Club, have only just begun. Our Winter Feast with the students and staff, and community events such as Books and Cooks and the STEM Night were extremely well attended, and we have received fantastic feedback. We look forward to expanding these options next year and incorporating more community partners into our learning.

I would like to extend a special thank you to our PTO, a small but mighty group of families who continuously support the staff and students in so many ways, both financially and by donating their time. We look forward to growing our PTO next year.

Academic progress has been noteworthy, and one of the many visible indicators is through our assessments. Literacy performance on district assessments has improved, and our state assessment scores in both math and literacy have shown significant improvement in 3rd and 4th grades this year. We also enjoyed bringing our music program to you through our concert at Town Hall and look forward to more exhibitions of student learning next year.

While this year is coming to a close, we already have our eyes set on next year. This past week has been spent with staff in professional development, reflecting on 2023-2024 and setting goals for next year. During the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to increase opportunities for play, collaboration between staff and students, critical thinking, and making learning visible inside and outside the school building.

Please take this time to relax, recharge, and enjoy quality moments with your family. We eagerly look forward to welcoming our scholars back in the fall, ready to embark on another exciting year of growth and learning.

Warm regards,

Beth Gibney Principal, Antrim Elementary School