Speech and Language

Welcome to the Speech and Language Therapy page. We work with students to improve their communication skills so that they can access the curriculum and participate in all aspects of the school day.

Some of these skills include:

  • Speech Sounds (producing specific sounds and sound combinations)

  • Receptive Language (understanding what is heard)

  • Expressive Language (expressing thoughts and ideas)

  • Functional Communication (making needs and wants known)

  • Social Communication (understanding and using socially appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication to interact with others)

Communication is Key!

Communication is something that we all do, all the time, in lots of different ways for MANY different purposes. Communication is a critical life skill that plays a part in nearly every aspect of our lives.

For more information about our work in the ConVal schools, including our SLR project, The CCC Model please visit: sites.google.com/conval.edu/aesgbsspeechlanguage/home

Speech and Language Staff